Monday, April 30, 2007

Final Presentations!!!

I think our last class went extremely well! I learned a lot from The Kiva Presentation. I will start hosting a Kiva banner later this evening(after I've made a loan of my own)! I've already made them a friend on MySpace.
Thank you Audra and Chunla for being such great team members, I think our presentation rocked too!
It was also heartening to see the final products of all we've been learning. IT is such a new topic for me that the class went by in a bit of a swirl, but lo and behold substantial, conctere knowledge was formed. Thank you for that Catherine!
I'll continue to update my blog, particularly during my practicum, as well as maintain MySpace. I hope you all visit me!

Kiva - loans that change lives

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hi Mary,
Great to have you in class, looking forward to hearing how things go in Brazil - please keep posting to your BLOG....