Monday, April 30, 2007

Final Presentations!!!

I think our last class went extremely well! I learned a lot from The Kiva Presentation. I will start hosting a Kiva banner later this evening(after I've made a loan of my own)! I've already made them a friend on MySpace.
Thank you Audra and Chunla for being such great team members, I think our presentation rocked too!
It was also heartening to see the final products of all we've been learning. IT is such a new topic for me that the class went by in a bit of a swirl, but lo and behold substantial, conctere knowledge was formed. Thank you for that Catherine!
I'll continue to update my blog, particularly during my practicum, as well as maintain MySpace. I hope you all visit me!

Kiva - loans that change lives

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Great Class April 23rd

I really enjoyed hearing about SITs IT situation first hand. Thank you for having a guest speaker Catherine!
We're all working hard on our final projects...

Finally linking to the rest of the web

I ran into Chris in the IC and he told me about the link buton to create text links, But when I got home alas ther was no link button on my page so... I've learned my first bit of html code. It's pretty straight forward (once you memorize it).

Is anyone else looking forward to the new Harry Potter movie?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

a great blog

I ran into this man's blog while researching for our group project. His blog is called david galipeau information flow\how.
I've added a link to his site in my "practicum/class" section.

His site had a great pdf file called, Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Springtime in Vermont

Finally, Some nice weather. I recently saw a group of people putting out the buckets for collecting maple sap, it took me a few minutes to figure out what they were doing. Since it was in a park-like area I originally thought they were nailing trash containers to trees, duh.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Midterm Madness

We're rounding third base, coming into the home stretch! Lots of papers and presentations loom on the horizon. I've learned a great deal of interesting issues in Information Technology and how they will affect my future career. Mot much to ask for in the coming weeks, just more of the same.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Central Park

Shane and I visited Central Park in NYC with a friend from Peace Corps Zambia, John "Peacock".

Sunday, April 8, 2007

My Favorite New Orleans Commercial

This store was destroyed in the floods following hurricane Katrina. Frankie & Johnnie's was an institution in NOLA...